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5 Lesser Known Erogenous Zones

5 Lesser Known Erogenous Zones

An erogenous zone is an area of the body with heightened sensitivity that can produce a sexual response when stimulated. Erogenous zones are extra sensitive due to concentrations of nerve endings in these areas.

You might be familiar with erogenous zones, such as the breasts, nipples, clitoris, G-spot and penis. But there are parts of your body that you may be neglecting which can produce a sexual response.

1. The feet

The inside and outside of the ankles are sensitive spots with many nerve endings that correspond directly to the most important erogenous zones of the body; the vulva, penis, uterus and prostate.

2. The lips

Our lips are the most exposed erogenous part of our bodies. They contain a huge number of nerve endings which send a flood of information to our brains, making us feel unbelievably good.

3. The ears

The ears are often overlooked on the list of erogenous zones for many people. They contain very sensitive skin on the outside and hundreds of sensory receptors on the inside and can be stimulated by lightly kissing, licking, or nibbling your partner’s earlobes.

4. The scalp

Another forgotten pleasure point. The scalp is full of nerve endings, and even the slightest touch, or tug of the hair can send waves of pleasure through the body.

5. Behind the knee

The back of the knee is another nerve-rich area that often gets neglected. Explore this part of the body on yourself or a partner by gently touching or tickling the area, alternating from deep to light pressure.

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